Powerful Project:
Before we begin, remember, whilst you are online, you must be a responsible Digital Citizen!
Digital Citizenship, by Sandy Liptak, 2012, Lessons by Sandy (http://lessonsbysandy.com/2012/10/digital-citizenship.html).
Copyright 2020 by Kliptak Productions, LLC.
Reproduced with permission.
Lesson 1: What are frogs?
Learning Intention: Define what are "frogs"?
Success criteria:
1. I contributed to the class 'frog' discussion
2. I can state a 'frog' definition including three frog elements
Discussion Time!
What frog topics would you like to research?
Why are frogs important?
How to research?
Success Criteria:
I can state and explain five threats to frogs
Learning Intention: State at least five threats to frogs
In recent years, scientists have become increasingly aware of a worldwide decline in the numbers of frogs. Frogs are disappearing in Australia.
Eight frog species have become extinct in the last 25 years, and several more are likely to become extinct in the near future.
Where to collect information:
To read:
Frogs hitchhiking their way back to life
To watch:
The March of the Cane Toads- Youtube
Cane Toads: An unnatural history- Youtube
Independent Research:
Task: Locate what threats exist to frogs.
Learning Intention: Locate, select and record information in categories on a specific frog.
Success Criteria:
I can use print and digital resources
I can select relevant information
I can organise and present information in different forms
I do:
We do:
***Thought! Can, or should humans save all endangered species?
Powerful Frog Project
An Expo day will be held at school where the school community will be invited to attend and view your work on Powerful Frog Project. The work to be included is:
1. A prototype, or a solution idea of how to save a specific frog – Completed in Class
2. A Powerpoint slideshow/book creator of information specific to a frog – Complete in Library Research
Listen to this radio interview
Green Tree Frog
Frogs to be researched:
Green and Golden Bell Frog
Peron Frog​
Striped Marsh Frog​
Researching and Publishing Tips
1. Each student will research one frog
2. Research topics for each frog are:
Classification – mammal, bird, fish, reptile, amphibian
Appearance – colour, shape, texture, patterns
Habitat – where in Australia?, biomes
Behaviour/ Life Cycle
Interesting Facts
3. Each frog has an information page on this research website. Information is to be collected from your frog information page, and print resources.
4. Information collected is to be recorded on each student’s research sheet.
5. Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for each frog topic are stated on the research sheet.
6. Publish information on Powerpoint.