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Mountaineous Landscape

A diverse and connected world

Welcome to library research. This term, you will travel Asia in order to understand the diverse features and characteristics of different countries and make connections to Australia. You will research the:

  • General information 

  • Geographical features

  • Historical information

  • Identity of people

  • Economy

  • Cuisine

  • Famous people

of a chosen Asian country.

You may remember doing something similar last year! You will be able to use the information you collected previously to make connections and comparisons to your new chosen Asian country and Australia.​

Before we begin, remember, whilst you are online, you must be a responsible Digital Citizen!

Digital Citizenship, by Sandy Liptak, 2012, Lessons by Sandy (

Copyright 2020 by Kliptak Productions, LLC.

Reproduced with permission.


Learning Intention: Describe an Asian country and compare to Australia.

Before we begin, we must ensure we have a comprehensive visual learning board about Australia. A visual learning board is collected information about each topic. Information about Australia is needed so we can make comparisons to our chosen Asian countries.

Success criteria:

1. Choose a topic to research about Australia

2. Use digital or print resources to find facts about that topic

3. Present found facts in bullet point form

4. Display facts on a visual learning board


year 5 research grid.PNG

General Information

Success Criteria:

1.Select a Asian country.

2. Use the prompts on your sheet to research the general information of your chosen Asian country.

3. Use print and digital resources

Learning Intention: Describe an Asian country and compare to Australia.

Use these facts to help you get started, then head to 
World Book Online
Links Plus
Google Maps

to continue your research!

Old Globe

 Now that you have a good understanding of the general information about your chosen Asian country, let's look closely at the geographical features.

Success Criteria:

1. Use the prompts on your sheet to research the general information of your chosen Asian country.

2. Use print and digital resources

Each country has its own unqiue geographical features.

Geographical features

Explore this map of Australia's features and then begin researching these facts for your chosen country.

Learning Intention: Describe an Asian country and compare to Australia.




The main cities of Australia are:

  • Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Newcastle, Canberra.




Some of the biggest rivers in Australia are: Murray River, Murrumbidgee River, Darling River, Lachlan River, Warrego River, Cooper Creek, Paroo River




Australia is the only country that is also a continent. It lies between the South Pacific and Indian oceans. Australia is mostly flat.




The main mountains in Australia are Australian Alps

Snowy Mountains

Mount Kosciuszko




The seas that surround Australia are:

Indian Ocean, Timor Sea, Arafura Sea, Gulf of Carpentaria, the Coral Sea, the Tasman Sea and the Great Australian Bight.




The northern third of Australia lies in the tropics and so is warm or hot the year around. The rest of the country lies south of the tropics and has warm summers and mild or cool winters.

Wooden Hut
Wooden Hut
Marble Surface

By now, you should be starting to get a good understanding of what your chosen Asian country looks like. Let's learn more about the history.

Click on the stars to watch a short clip about


Ancient History


Natural Disasters

in some Asian countries.

Historical Information

Success Criteria:

1. Select a topic in History

2. Research this topic using print and digital resources

3. Record information.

4. Make a 3 way comparison of these facts - Australia (refer to the visual learning board) and your two Asian countries.

Learning Intention: Describe an Asian country and compare to Australia.

Religion in australia.jpg




No religion









Abstract Blur

We have a great understanding of the history now. Let's find out more about the identity of the people living in your chosen Asian country.
Hover over the image on the left to learn brief facts about Religion in Australia. Explore the 2016 census information to learn more about Australia's diversity.

Success Criteria:

1. Define the topics in "Identity of people".

2. Research this topic using print and digital resources.

3. Record information in different ways.

4. Make a 3 way comparison of these facts - Australia (refer to the visual learning board) and your two Asian countries.

Identity of people

Learning Intention: Describe an Asian country and compare to Australia.

Square Stage


Success Criteria:

1. Define the topics in "Economy"

2. Research this topic using print and digital resources

3. Record information in different ways.

4. Make a 3 way comparison of these facts - Australia (refer to the visual learning board) and your two Asian countries.



Success Criteria:

1. Define the topics in "Cuisine"

2. Research this topic using print and digital resources

3. Record information in different ways.

4. Make a 3 way comparison of these facts - Australia (refer to the visual learning board) and your two Asian countries.

Learning Intention: Describe an Asian country and compare to Australia.

Train Crossing Bridge
Grunge Wood

Excellent! You have found some interesting facts about the economy and cuisine of your chosen Asian country. It is time to learn more about the famous people and fun facts of that country!

Famous People

Success Criteria:

1. Define the topic "Famous People"

2. Research this topic using print and digital resources

3. Record information in different ways.

4. Make a 3 way comparison of these facts - Australia (refer to the visual learning board) and your two Asian countries.

Learning Intention: Describe an Asian country and compare to Australia.


Fun Facts

Success Criteria:

1. Define the topic "Fun Facts"

2. Research this topic using print and digital resources

3. Record information in different ways.

4. Make a 3 way comparison of these facts - Australia (refer to the visual learning board) and your two Asian countries.

Learning Intention: Describe an Asian country and compare to Australia.

Success Criteria:

1. Define the topic "Personal Choice Question"

2. Research this topic using print and digital resources.

3. Record information in different ways.

4. Make a 3 way comparison of these facts - Australia (refer to the visual learning board) and your two Asian countries.

As you were researching your chosen Asian country, did you have any wonderings or come across any facts that didn't quite fit in your worksheet? Now is the time for you to make up your own question about your chosen country, and answer it!

Personal Choice Question

Some ideas:

  • Life of a child

  • Houses

  • Transport

  • Typical pets

  • Popular sports



Diverse and connected world (2021) by Halie Edmonds. Proudly created with

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