Whilst you are online, you must be a responsible Digital Citizen!
Welcome to library research. This term we will be researching "Spaced Out!"
Digital Citizenship, by Sandy Liptak, 2012, Lessons by Sandy (http://lessonsbysandy.com/2012/10/digital-citizenship.html).
Copyright 2020 by Kliptak Productions, LLC.
Reproduced with permission.
We will have the opportunity to research:
1. Planets
2. The Sun
3. The Moon
4. Stars
5. Space Exploration
6. Milky Way
7. Meteorites
You will then:
Success Criteria-
Success Criteria-
1. Create a biography with at least 5-10 categories
2. Present the information within biography in varied ways
What is research?
Steps for Research Success
the question
Find information in a print or digital resource
Organise and present information
Select only information that answers the question
Week 2
Spaced Out!
Learning Intention: State 5 facts about ONE planet
1. Choose ONE planet:
2. Locate your selected planet using either:
Username: gordonwest Password: books
Username: Gordonwest Password: Gordonwest
Print Resource Tub 17
3. Collect information on the following questions
Where in space is this planet?
What is the planet made of?
How big is the planet?
List at least FIVE interesting facts about the planet.
4. Organise and present information on your research sheet.
Success Criteria:
Week 3
Learning Intention: State five facts about ONE planet.
1. Choose a DIFFERENT planet:
Success Criteria:
2. Locate your selected planet using either:
Username: gordonwest Password: books
Username: Gordonwest Password: Gordonwest
Print Resource Tub 17
3. Collect information on the following questions
Where in space is this planet?
What is the planet made of?
How big is the planet?
List at least FIVE interesting facts about the planet.
4. Organise and present information on your research sheet.
Week 4
Learning Intention: State five facts about the sun or moon.
Success Criteria:
1. Choose ONE:
2. Locate your selected topic using either:
Username: gordonwest Password: books
Username: Gordonwest Password: Gordonwest
Print Resource Tub 17
3. Collect information on the following questions
Where in space is the sun/moon?
What is the sun/moon made of?
How big is the sun/moon?
List at least five interesting facts about the sun/moon.
4. Organise and present information on your research sheet.
Week 5
Learning Intention: State five facts about the milky way or meteorites.
Success Criteria:
2. Locate your selected topic using either:
Username: gordonwest Password: books
Username: Gordonwest Password: Gordonwest
National Geographic- Milkyway​
Planets for Kids- Meteorite​
Print Resource Tub 17
1. Choose ONE:
Milky Way
4. Organise and present information on your research sheet.
3. Collect information on the following questions
What is the Milky Way? What is a Meteorite?
Where in space is the Milky Way? How are meteorites created?
List at least five interesting facts about the Milky Way/ Meteorites.
Success Criteria:
Week 6
Learning Intention: State five facts about asteroids or comets.
Success Criteria:
4. Organise and present information on your research sheet.
3. Collect information on the following questions
Where in space is an asteroid/ comet?
What is an asteroid/ comet?
How big is an asteroid/comet?
List at least five interesting facts about the sun/moon.
2. Locate your selected topic using either:
Username: gordonwest Password: books
Username: Gordonwest Password: Gordonwest
Print Resource Tub 17
1. Choose ONE:
Week 7
Learning Intention: Choose a personal choice topic related to space and state five facts about your chosen topic.
Success Criteria:
4. Organise and present information on your research sheet.
2. Create three questions, each question must begin with WHAT, WHEN, WHY, WHERE or HOW.
1. Choose a topic​​
3. Locate your personal choice topic using either:
Username: gordonwest Password: books
Username: Gordonwest Password: Gordonwest
Print Resource Tub 17
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Spaced Out! (2022) by Halie Edmonds. Proudly created with Wix.com